Driving |
After driving for many years now, I have made several observations. I will gradually add to this comment page as I think of more stuff. |
Motorways |
Lane discipline. The Left "slow" lane is for driving in until you need to overtake some timid driver doing about 55mph. Before you pull out to pass the offending driver, you should check your mirrors. If it is clear to pull out, indicate for a few flashes, and then pull out into the middle lane and cancel the indicator. When you have given the offending driver enough room, check mirrors and the road ahead to see if it is ok to pull back in, then indicate for a few flashes and neatly make your way back into the left lane. |
The Right "fast" (outside) lane is for use when overtaking a selfish driver who should be in the left lane, or when overtaking someone in the middle lane, who is overtaking someone else in the left lane (at the same time). |
The only other excuse for driving in the middle lane is at a junction when there are other cars joining the motorway AND there isn't someone trying to overtake you at the same time. |
Roundabouts |
You would think that a roundabout is fairly straight forward but, obviously not. There are some road users that don't know the priorities at a roundabout and then there are those that just don't use them properly. This is how they should be used... When approaching a roundabout, look what is going on before you actually get there. This will enable you to keep moving if it is clear to do so. ie. a road joining a roundabout does not have a STOP Line, it is a GIVE WAY line. Priority is given to the right. ie.a car already on the roundabout or about to join on the road to the right. Lane positioning gives other drivers an idea of where you intend to go but, indicators can make the world of difference. If you are turning left, indicate left. If you are going straight on, don't indicate (unless it is a large gyratory, in which case you can give a quick flash left if it helps other drivers). If you are going right, indicate right, then as you pass the exit prior to the one you want to take, indicate left to exit the roundabout. Don't forget to cancel your indicator if it hasn't automatically. |
Parking |
There are places and ways to park. Places to park are on your drive, in a car park, at the side of the road. On the road find a place where there are no yellow or red lines, and that is not going to affect anyone else ie. not opposite a junction, on a bend or on a brow of a hill. Ideally park about six inches from the kerb. In a car park, keep inside the lines and reverse into the space (I'll let you off if it's a supermarket car park and you want to put the shopping in the boot). |
Check out this informative site Speed Trap. |