Phil Says
I think that I've seen quite a lot of films and here are some of my thoughts about them.
Favorite Films I like films which travel through time. Highlander, with Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery, is probably top of my list. I am a huge fan of Monty Python, so naturally I also like their films. I can watch The Life of Brian and The Quest for The Holy Grail over and over again. The Meaning of Life, Jabberwokky, Time Bandits, Clockwise, Splitting Heirs and Fearce Creatures have some really good bits but, aren't really in the same league. Most of the James Bond films are woth watching too. Mission: Impossible-2 is pretty much how a good Bond film should be. I like films which have a clever twist like Sixth Sense. Everyone seems to rave about The Matrix, which has some cool FX but, I personally think the film is otherwise just ok. There are some classic, older films which I also respect such as Star Wars, Le Vaccance de M.Heullo, Mon Oncle. (I don't have the correct spelling of these last two.) XXX (Tripple X, with Vin Diesel)
Crap Films Over the last few years I have been going to the cinema a couple of times a week with friends. In this time I have endured many really bad films. Here are a few; End of Days, The Grinch, Pay it Forward (I can't stand Dr.Seuss), . Some films are just too Hollywoodised eg. Cliff Hanger and Vertical Limit which are needlessly, factually incorrect. I didn't even watch, on principle, U571 which was about the capture of an Enigma machine which the Germans used during the war. In reallity, it was captured by the British NOT the Americans. XXX 2 (with Black rap artists) Pile of pooh.

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