Words |
I think that some words sound good and some not so good. Here I will put my view across about some of them. |
I like... Sift, lobe, forensics, supple, globule, pouch, meander, shard, pseudonym. |
I don't like... the use in adverts of the word revolution by Scottish people. Work shy people blaming everything on society. The over use of any word, especially fenominal. The use of the word 'workshop' when not refering to light industry or a shed in the back garden. ie. a 'drama workshop' has nothing to do with a workshop. |
Something I have noticed is the bad use of the English language. I'm no expert but, here are some obvious ones I often hear... |
Things are not 'different than' or 'different to' something else, things are 'different from' something else. I'm going out 'i'n it?' -meaning 'isn't it?' but, should be 'aren't I?' although this is still not very good English. |
Saying, 'would of' instead of 'would have'. It is probably derived from the shortened version 'would've'. |